Being in the Flow. Your solution to NOW!
We are all cosmically intertwined in the divine matrix. What someone else feels and does, what you feel and do, shifts the fabric of the Universe itself impacting your life and others. These are turbulent times. Moments of great shifts, unknowns, changes. Some of us...
Why is the Equinox such a Big Deal?
Twice a year in September and March, we step through the Equinox. Depending upon where you find yourself you may be experiencing the joy of Spring blooms lightening your way or ochre-colored leaves combing your hair! In any case, an equinox marks a specific cycle of...
Eclipse Season is here!
It’s time to pay attention, eclipse season is here! That is why I want to share with you 5 things you need to know about eclipses and why they are an important time for you. You may think of eclipses as a powerful tool the Universe uses to get us to pay attention to...