• Fully Embody Your Life’s Sacred Purpose
  • Activate & Claim Your Unique Spiritual Gifts
  • Know the Next Steps in Your Life & Career

  • Fully Embody Your Life’s Sacred Purpose
  • Activate & Claim Your Unique Spiritual Gifts
  • Know the Next Steps in Your Life & Career

Connect With Your Spirit Guides Meditation

Download this FREE meditation.This is a gift from YOUR Spirit Guides directly for YOU through me. 

Calm your mind, connect to your inner dimension, and channel the love and strength that is your birthright as you open up to connect with YOUR Spirit Guides.


As a down to Earth spiritual woman, you are being called to rise up and connect with the deepest, most sacred part of your soul, purpose and mission.

When you embrace and trust your spiritual gifts, you can tap into your courage, joy and love and know exactly what steps to take in your life and career.

Everything you’ve done before has been readying you for this time, this day, this moment.

It is time for the breakthrough you’ve been craving… and you don’t have to do it alone!

Work With Shakti

Lion's Gate Quantum Leap 888 with Shakti Bottazzi

Lion’s Gate Portal

888 Live Event

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a powerful alignment between the Earth, the Sun and the star Sirius, creating a surge of potent energy and heightened spiritual connections peaking on August 8th every year. 

Join me for a unique, transformative, alchemical, empowering, once in a lifetime LIVE EVENT for the portal on August 8th, 2024 to quantum leap through the portal 888 in Mount Shasta, California.

New Earth Gathering July 2024

New Earth Gathering

July 2024

You are invited to join us in co-creation for this humanitarian soul-tribe sacred circle.

Will you join us to hold space for world peace and envision a brighter future for us all?

You will meat other like-minded souls while receiving a transmission of love and healing and then from a full cup, beam your light out!

Ascension Sacred Rays by Shakti

Violet Flame Alchemy

Sacred Activation

Work with the Violet Flame so you can experience firsthand its power. This will be an “experiential” activation. You will learn tools, rituals, decrees and techniques to support you going forward during these times of transition of the ascension path.

Embody and become the Violet Flame of freedom, compassion, love, transmutation and transformation today!

See what others are saying...

In just 6 sessions with Shakti I managed to heal from trauma of abuse that had happened in my childhood. I attended one of Shakti’s workshop and it was during a healing exercise that I was able to see it clearly for the first time.

Claudia Nunia
Chemical Engineer/Business Advisor & Astrologer, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Profound, emotionally extraordinary, exalted compassion! This is how I would attempt to convey a session with Shakti – which I had decided to because I was at a threshold moment in my life.

Not only was Shakti extraordinary in her ability to hone into my family lines and specific energies that were present, but her space-holding was anchored in safety and palpable love.

The healing that occurred – indeed, and is still occurring – touched the deepest places of my soul, and I could feel it caressing the lineage lines across time and space as it worked to repair ruptures and wounds. Thank you so much for this sublime experience!

Diomira Rose D’Agostino
Keeper of New Avalon

I would highly recommend Shakti and the School of Wisdom as, not only did they help heal my past traumas and shadows, they helped me realize my true soul's purpose and that I could achieve my true destiny as a powerful healer myself! I have come so far. I have opened up to the most magical spiritual gifts I could only ever have dreamed off! The magic is real within the School Of Wisdom, I feel I am living proof of that

Laura Hendren
Scotland, UK

Spiritual Teacher Deva Shakti teaches you to Live your Purpose NOW!

Shakti’s life’s work acts as a catalyst for client’s life transforming experiences as she coaches and inspires them to create a lifestyle and business based on their soulful purpose making a big difference in the world.

She has a track record of success in the corporate world and as a 3 times entrepreneur, Shakti is also a published best-selling author and Fulbright Scholar.

From the Blog

Significance of the Lion’s Gate Portal Alignment

Significance of the Lion’s Gate Portal Alignment

What is the Lion’s Gate Portal?   In the peak of the summer from July 28th to August 12th we navigate a portal known for millennia as the Lion’s Gate. From an astronomical scientific point, this is the time when the Sun in Leo, the “Dog Star” Sirius (our central...

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What is Ceremonial Grade Cacao?

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