
Morning Mindfulness Success Kit

✓ Do you feel burned out and that you wish you could be more efficient?

✓ Do feel lonely and wish you could find your soul mate?

✓ Are you in physical pain, with any “dis”-ease in your body wishing you could feel better, stronger, slimmer, healthier?

✓ Are you running after clients wishing your business would take on faster?

✓ Are you feeling out of sorts and out of direction in your life in any way, shape or form?

✓Are you ready to start your day with an energetic kick …. without the need of any energetic stimulants?

Morning Ritual Meditation by Shakti Free Handout

Did you know that 50% of successful people wake up at or before 7 am to do their own version of a mindful morning routine?

Now I’d rather call it ritual instead of routine, why? It’s simple. Because when I think of a routine I think of something like this: “get up at 7am, make coffee, rush to make breakfast for the kids, get dressed, take the kids to school and then go to work”. 

Now that we have agreed on the terminology, I ask: do you have a morning ritual? Is it working for you or not?

If you don’t or what you have been doing or trying to do hasn’t been working, well then, you came to the right place.

And if you do and it’s working, then congratulations!!  You may still benefit from revisiting your practice and from the tracker included as a bonus.

You can download now the Morning Success Mindfulness Kit comprised of a short e-book filled with insightful tips and a bonus tracker so you can step into a new way of living with ease and accountability.

Fill out the form below to get it now! I can’t wait to hear from you and how this insightful handout will have supported you!

Love and light,



Morning Mindfulness Success Kit Photo by Shakti

Shakti Bottazzi is a modern-day medicine woman. She is a cosmic citizen carrying many different transmissions within while also a citizen of Argentina, Italy and the United States.

Born and raised in Argentina she took her first steps into her spiritual path seeking answers during her late teenage years learning meditation and energy healing from Andean and Jesuit traditions. Later on she studied with Masters from Japan, China and India including more than a decade of Buddhism. She has had direct transmission from Curanderos from Central America and received medicine from the Navajo tradition.

Shakti started channeling ascended beings of light in 2012 and receiving direct teachings and guidance that she has incorporated to her vast repertoire of tools creating her own methods for healing and teaching. Successful in her own right she is a 3-time entrepreneur, motivational speaker and Fulbright Scholar with more than 30 years in the corporate world.

Shakti brings together her multifaceted multicultural life expression guiding people into their becoming. Those who work with her expand their gifts, learn to trust their intuition, and become deeply connected to their own soul’s work leading a life of inspired action, purpose, passion, and prosperity. Look for her at www.TheAwakenPath.com

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