Stop and smell the roses🌹
Everything in our world is interconnected with waves of energy that we can not see. The subtle bio-energy that flows through all living things, sometimes called chi or life force, can be measured in Hertz. Choosing thoughts, words, actions, and tools to raise our...
Unplug From Suffering
SufferING is an active choice. We don’t say painING but we say sufferING. Pain is the physical sensations that tells you something is happening within your body in relation to an event or situation. Suffering is the interpretation or story that you tell yourself about...
Are you playing mind games?
Boy oh boy, I am hearing from so many of you. Some are anxious about what will be after “we go back” to normal. Others are confused about all the contrasting information that abounds in social media, the news, and what people are saying. Many are wondering about their...