SufferING is an active choice.
We don’t say painING but we say sufferING.

Pain is the physical sensations that tells you something is happening within your body in relation to an event or situation.

Suffering is the interpretation or story that you tell yourself about the pain.

Suffering is a vibrational spectrum. You’ve got the choice to stop from suffering, you can unplug from that vibrational frequency. We cannot eliminate pain in the same way, because pain is inevitable while suffering is optional.

I am all for honoring the pain, for listening to it. Pain always brings powerful information, pain teaches us. When we resist the pain it becomes stronger. But here is the key thing to understand: listening to the pain does not necessarily imply that you have to suffer. The reason why many times we resist the pain is that we confuse pain with suffering.

We can be aware of our pain, and we can choose to release ourselves from suffering. By embracing the pain and listening to why it is here and what it is hear to teach us we can gracefully heal the pain without suffering. Actually, we can even rejoice that the pain is here to set us free.

On the other side of resistance are flow, ease, and grace.

If pain is knocking at your door welcome it in, ask it “what are you here to show me”? Keep asking, keep listening and keep choosing.

Important distinction: when we suffer from chronic pain means that we associate a traumatic experience with the physical pain, that then creates an inner dialogue with a vicious that translates to feelings that coincide with suffering, and increases muscle tension and stress, making it stay chronic. In this case you may need help to clear the trauma, heal what was the foundational experience that created the original pain.

I am here to support you as you live your transformational journey.

Loving light and healing intent,


Valerie Shakti Bottazzi
Shamanic Coach & Healer
“Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.” [J.K. Rowling in Harry Potter, The Goblet of Fire]