Boy oh boy, I am hearing from so many of you. Some are anxious about what will be after “we go back” to normal. Others are confused about all the contrasting information that abounds in social media, the news, and what people are saying. Many are wondering about their own financial future, job, love, travel life…. You name it. Which is your mind game at this time? Are you aware of an inner dialogue that is making you unsettled in any way?
Check-in with yourself and your inner compass. Never mind what is everyone telling you, TV, friends, Facebook… This is a time where we are being called to awaken to what is real. In Sanskrit, the word Maya means “magic” or “illusion”. In Buddhism, the concept of Maya brings the awareness of that which exists but is constantly changing and thus is spiritually unreal and thus conceals the true character of spiritual reality. What we believe to be our real world is, in reality, our dream, and when we awaken to our dream state we realize that where we go in our dreams is more real than what we thought to be real.
I know, it’s our conundrum and also our opportunity during this time to awaken to what shamans called the dream state. Are you living in Maya? Is this time testing you? Stretching you? Are you reconsidering your beliefs and verifying them with your intuition?
What a gift this time is for us to awaken, to delve deep, to expand our intuition and trust more than ever what it is telling us! Use your gut, check-in with yourself to discern from all the information coming your way, which one is true for you and discard what doesn’t uplift you.
As you expand your intuitive gifts remember the Earth and thus our minds are in duality. Whenever you find yourself going back and forth between two thoughts: is it real or is it not? it is this way but maybe it’s that way? … understand that you are being governed by your “mind” instead of your heart where duality cannot live. When this happens take a deep breath and go into your heart where you will find the answer.
Ask yourself “what do I want to contribute to the new world that is emerging”? And know all is well.
Love and light,