Unplug From Suffering

Unplug From Suffering

SufferING is an active choice. We don’t say painING but we say sufferING. Pain is the physical sensations that tells you something is happening within your body in relation to an event or situation. Suffering is the interpretation or story that you tell yourself about...
Nothing needs to happen

Nothing needs to happen

Are you confused and exhausted, one minute gnashing your teeth and then dancing a happy dance only to begin keening once again all based on the latest news. Don’t let the weight and density of the world squash your tender spirit, be reminded that it’s through the...
What small change?

What small change?

  Sometimes it seems like nothing works the way it should. If you’re a human, you have probably hit that point where work is no fun, relationship is a struggle and you don’t even feel comfortable in your body. At times like these, changing your life can seem...