Choose your words…
I am in an on-going journey to learn to be a master of my mind, my thoughts, my actions and my deeds. Yes, it is a great goal but don’t get me wrong, it is also selfish. Please allow me to me explain what I mean. I have learned of the power of words both unspoken and...
Up an at em
Up an at ’em gurl! How do you feely today? How comfortable are you with where you are at in your life today? You may be super happy really surfing the wave of your life or you may have a few or many areas of your life where you wish things were different. I hear...
What Does Femininity Feel Like?
Hello Goddess! If I were to ask you what does femininity feel like to you what would you say? If I were to ask you how does femininity show up in your life what would you tell me? There is a tribe in the Amazon that has inspired me, they call themselves the Achuar...