Today I share a tool to support you as you harness the potential available to you as you walk your soulful path.
Anything we think, say or do will effect your life, therefore, it is important to nip the negative inner dialogue in the bud.
When you are going along the day or facing a challenge, what does your inner voice say? Does it encourage you with a “Heck yay, you can do it!” or does your internal critic kick in?
Whenever you find yourself within a negative loop of self-talk, the antidote is to interrupt the pattern and replace it with positive affirmations. Therefore, I want to give you a tool that you can practice every day so you can be ready to transform your inner dialogue to go from defeatist to constructive.
Know that YOU CAN control your thoughts, and that to break the habit of negative thinking you need to switch the channel in your brain to banish the negativity, and replace those thoughts with positive, valid words of wisdom.
Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation or goal in the present tense as if the situation has already happened.
The way to use affirmations is to repeat them often as a way to reprogram your brain and motivate your mind to act according to the repeated words. This repetition tricks your subconscious mind to believe these statements and accept them as true, raising your vibration and creating a positive field to attract congruent events and situations into your life.
I am sharing with you a shortlist of positive thoughts to get you started so that you can then add your own:
* I am a master at what I do
* I genuinely believe in myself
* I love and accept myself just the way I am
* I am grateful for ….. (this goes a long way, create as many as you wish!)
* I have peace and harmony in my life
* I am masterful at accomplishing whatever I set your mind to.
“I am” statements are super powerful. Create as many “I am …” with a positive adjective following the dots, as you can muster. Most of all HAVE FUN and enjoy loving yourself through positive statement affirmations.
Lots of love,
Shine bright!
Valerie Shakti Bottazzi
Life Coach & Healer