What Does Femininity Feel Like?
Hello Goddess! If I were to ask you what does femininity feel like to you what would you say? If I were to ask you how does femininity show up in your life what would you tell me? There is a tribe in the Amazon that has inspired me, they call themselves the Achuar...
Commitment is a funny word
Commitment is the door to manifestation. Yes, you read correctly.Commitment. Simple isn’t it? Yet, commitment requires quite a lot of us, not only commitment (LOL)! It requires clarity, passion, focus and unwavering faith!In my life, I have discovered that...
This is my story: honest and vulnerable money talk.
I hear so many times friends and clients as they share with me that they can’t seem to make more than “a given amount” of money per year, no matter what they do or how hard they work for it. I can speak for myself when I say that I have learned both consciously and...