Lately, I have been rejoicing in the flow of manifestation. Yes. I said manifestation. I have known the term and I have been studying and aligning with the Law of Attraction for many years now. I have had the joy of seeing it at work in my life in many ways, and more and more these days, in absolutely clear and concrete ways.

In 2007 a friend of mine invited me to watch this “new awesome movie that just came out” called “The Secret”.  Yes, you ready correctly!!! It was 2007. Only 12 years ago. At the time the idea that we create our reality seemed a radical and new idea. Nowadays we’ve heard and read about it and you may come across it here and there continuously.

But there is a caveat to it.

You have probably heard the most well-known piece about the “Law of Attraction”: what you think, speak and act, you create and therefore it is important to watch your thoughts, words and deeds. 

However, in the above statement there is one missing link. The Universe, Creation, Source, responds to feelings and emotions, therefore, when you just think something it is not enough to manifest it. It takes FEELINGS to manifest something. It takes vibrating to the emotion of already having the one thing you desire. 

And how do you do that you may ask?

Doing exactly that. You’ve got to feel and emote. 

It takes just 3 minutes a day.

In the morning, when you are fresh right after your meditation, or your ritual, or your walk, or your yoga, or your… whatever you do to feel good, put your timer to 3 minutes, close your eyes, and visualize the very thing you desire to manifest. Visualize it and emote it. Observe yourself doing it, feel the smile come on your lips, allow the laughter to come out. 

This is powerful stuff. You may think 3 minutes is too little? Do it and you will learn that in our inner “quantum” time, 3 minutes is a lot! There is so much you can visualize and feel and emote in 3 minutes.

Do it consistently, every single dayand don’t give up until you are living the very thing you are visualizing. Trust me. It works.

Love and light,


Valerie Shakti Bottazzi

Life Coach & Healer

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Love and light

PS: Share with me your experiences, questions or comments with the form below.

Love and light

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