It is their fault!

It is their fault!

Do you find yourself examining different aspects of your relationships and often thinking it is “their fault” or “they are in this way”? When you think in this way you are projecting and when you are projecting you disown what you don’t believe is yours. You are...
What Does Femininity Feel Like?

What Does Femininity Feel Like?

Hello Goddess! If I were to ask you what does femininity feel like to you what would you say? If I were to ask you how does femininity show up in your life what would you tell me? There is a tribe in the Amazon that has inspired me, they call themselves the Achuar...
What is your biggest “hunger”?

What is your biggest “hunger”?

What is your biggest hunger telling you? What is that fire burning inside? Are you listening? Are you yearning for love and connection? Then let’s do something about this! Let’s go for it! What are you waiting for? Stop playing the victim. Stop playing...
Have you given to get?

Have you given to get?

I want to point out a quote from “A Course In Miracles” and take it from there: [“Giving to get” is an inescapable law of the ego, which always evaluates itself in relation to other egos.] The reason why I am bringing this up is that often times when we are hurt and...
6 Powerful LOVE Affirmations

6 Powerful LOVE Affirmations

I am a firm believer in the power of mindset work, mindfulness, affirmations, and mantras to support our manifestation and transformation. Rewiring our brains to transform our beliefs is one of the many ways in which we influence our co-creation. Prior to going to the...