I want to point out a quote from “A Course In Miracles” and take it from there: [“Giving to get” is an inescapable law of the ego, which always evaluates itself in relation to other egos.]
The reason why I am bringing this up is that often times when we are hurt and can’t seem to find our true love, what is going in on is that we have a belief, often times subconscious, that we don’t deserve to receive. We have an automated re-action pattern by which we give too much; we are givers to the extreme of only allowing ourselves to receive if we have “given enough”.
Look back into your life and your dynamics and evaluate how many times did you allow yourself to receive and it what context? Take the most honest stock, looking at “what is”, is step number 1 to be able to transform it, if we wish to.
You may find out that in your relationships as a daughter, son, mother, wife, ex-wife, partner, friend… you have a pattern of giving too much. If this is the case you might have had rifts in many relationships because the dynamic has had you giving to the point of getting really depleted and even resentful for it.
The truth is that you deserve to receive as much as you give and give as much as you receive, AND receive for no reason. Giving and receiving is the breath of love. One cannot exist without the other and, our love center (the heart chakra) is balanced when our flow of giving and receiving is fluent, harmonious and balanced.
Remember you are worthy simply because you are and I may add, “worthiness” is a choice.
The difficulty is that our “old stories” run our show, and our ego’s compulsion to be accepted and loved does not leave us free to choose. Tricky isn’t it? BUT you can always choose to heal and write your “new story”, fresh and vibrant. What is YOUR choice?
Love and brilliance,