Multidimensional Reading
What are the benefits?
This empowering 55-minute Multidimensional Reading can be especially good for you when you:
✓ Are at a crossroads in your life
✓ Are in a moment of transition
✓ Need clarity around a situation or area of your life
✓ Need to make an important life decision
✓ Need confirmation
✓ Need direction
This is for you when you simply are at a moment where a fresh perspective on where you are, where you come from and where you are going could empower and inspire you.
Yes! I want a Multidimensional Reading 🙏
What exactly is a Multidimensional Reading?
How does it work?
A Multidimensional Reading is a wonderful tool to align your decisions and actions based on your soul’s calling and purpose.
It is called Multidimensional because during a session Shakti accesses any of the multidimensional aspects, dimensions and beings of light as a channel of the Divine to allow for your answers to come through.
She may access the Akashic Library (reading your Akashic Records), and she may bring forth messages from ascended masters, beings of light of any realm, spirit guides and more. Her work is always within the framework of bringing forth within clarity and the purest intentions of being of service to the love and light.

Other Insights Include:
You will come away feeling alive and more connected to your essence than ever before, with a feeling of possibility and expansion in your life.