No pain…lot’s of gain

No pain…lot’s of gain

No Pain No Gain… this phrase has driven me for years… actually, it has driven me most of my life… until not long ago. I truthfully believed the best of my intentions as I lived life using terms as”warrior of light”, “overcoming...
3 Keys to Manifesting

3 Keys to Manifesting

Have you watched the 40 year old movie “Close Encounters of the 3rd type”? I have just watched it again yesterday evening and was awed at how a 40 year old movie can still be so amazingly wonderful and how “avant-guard” it was in its time. If...
Dream Catchers

Dream Catchers

I have a fancy for “dream catchers” I don’t know what it is, maybe it is a memory from past lives, maybe it is just how pretty and soothing they seem to me. However, dream catchers remind me of the importance of dreaming big, of making desires out of...