I can’t stop listening to this song this morning, I am including the video below so you can listen to it too; it’s called Glorious by One Voice Children’s Choir.
As I finished my morning ritual, my meditation, my prayers, and my sacred time journaling and channeling, this song kept “singing” inside my head and I knew I had to share it.
2020 started on a tumultuous foundation of political upheaval with superpowers versus middle east playacting and the Earth “literally” on-fire! I have learned the hard way that we can’t help transform what is going on by focusing on the disaster since energy flows where focus goes. The more you watch the news and you see images of war, fires, and devastation, the more you are calling in exactly the thing you want to go away.
The Universe answers to feelings. Emotion is the language of creation. My Spirit Guides are leading me to do my part by guiding YOU to call in YOUR life mission and support you as you start living it!
We MUST rise-up and do what we came here to do NOW. There is no more time for doubts, fear or playing small. If you know you are being held back by thoughts such as: “who am I to create big change”, or “I am just one person I can’t change things”, or “I don’t know if I have it in me”, or any other inner dialogue that is keeping you frozen, held back and unfulfilled, PLEASE reach out, contact me, share what is going on for you. If you know what you need please tell me so I can support you and if you don’t know what you need let’s talk and figure it out together. Here is a link to book a “Purpose Activation” free call so we can do just that.
I invite you to light a candle and set an intention to live a life of purpose, magic and meaning before you watch and listen the video-song below. I have listened to it many times this morning and every time it brings tears of joy and empowerment to my eyes and it lifts my heart.
Purpose, Love, Grace and Light,
Valerie Shakti Bottazzi
Life Coach & Healer
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” [IMO, Emerson]