What exactly is a life purpose?
So many times we use this term, we speak of finding it but, are we clear of what it would feel like and be like when we do?
There is a Harvard study published in May 2020 that says that we NEED a higher purpose in life to feel our lives have meaning AND that if you believe your life has meaning, it could potentially be longer.
There are actually countless clinical studies that show that having a “greater purpose” dramatically increases the length and quality of your life. Yet, it is alarming how many people at this time report that they don’t know what theirs is.
It does not matter how smart, conscious, creative, talented, and tuned in you are, if you are not clear about what you are meant to be doing now and why you are here on this planet at this time, you will be feeling off-kilter and you will go about life feeling like something is missing.
Life purpose is defined differently by different people, however, as a spiritual teacher, coach, and healer, I have learned that knowing your life purpose means you have aligned your passion with your dreams and your goals.
When your passion is in line with your dreams and goals then your behaviors and your actions will naturally be aligned with your values. As a result, you will feel on-purpose AND you will feel fulfilled with an inner knowing that what you do matters… that YOU matter.
I believe that living our purpose is ultimately connecting with our higher self or inner divinity and listening to its guidance you will gain clarity on all of the above.
What I find in my work is that many people are struggling to go inside, to honor time to connect with the whispers of the divine within, and thus can’t receive the golden messages for themselves. Your inner knowing speaks in a really soft voice, therefore, we must be able to quiet our minds to listen accurately.
Not knowing what your purpose is will have you going about life sabotaging your ability to unlock your full potential and manifest what you most desire in life!
So why is it so difficult to gain clarity on OUR OWN purpose? It’s ours so we should know right? Wrong… the problem is that through our childhood experiences and trauma we’ve detached from pieces of our soul and we’ve disowned parts of ourselves. All of these aspects of our being lay in the shadow, they are our blind spots, and they hold precious information that we can’t see on our own because… they are our blind spots. By definition, we need someone else to mirror those to us.
What I know is that you are needed. I know that you are meant to be living a fulfilling joyful abundant life. I know that if you aren’t living a life of joy and purpose and you feel stuck or simply blah, then now is the time for you to rise up and figure this out!
 What is holding you back?
 Why can’t you take action even though you are clear about what you want to do?
 Why are you lacking motivation?
 Why are you confused?
 Why do you feel pulled in a million directions?
Let’s find clarity, shall we?
Love and light,