Testimonial by Elies Hadi

Testimonial by Elies Hadi

Book a "Breakthrough to Love" Call NOW! Valerie is highly intuitive & provides loving space for deep healing work. She is able to dive deep into an issue to resolve the core of the problem which is very transformative and powerful. I had the privilege to...
Testimonial by Helen Lingard

Testimonial by Helen Lingard

Book a "Breakthrough to Love" Call NOW! When I started working with Valerie I was stuck both financially and relationship wise. The main topics I wanted to address were that I hadn’t had a relationship in many years, I had a block that has stopped me from...
What is a soulmate?

What is a soulmate?

What is a soulmate? I am sure you’ve heard many say they’d like to find their soulmate, but do we know what a soulmate really is? And how does it differ from our twin flame? A soul mate is a person for which your soul is attracted to their spiritual...
Testimonial by Marina Wollman

Testimonial by Marina Wollman

Book a "Love Breakthrough" Call NOW! I met Valerie through a woman whose opinion I respect very much. It’s hard to know beforehand if a therapist, coach or guide is going to be able to help us without knowing them personally, but during the first...
Holding a grudge

Holding a grudge

Did you know that holding a grudge can be beneficial to you? I am serious. This is a discovery from the last years of my life. I don’t call it holding a grudge, I call it “simmering”. Grudges are a part of many people’s lives; people...