The Answer is Love!


Remember when John Lennon used to sing “love is the answer”?

I know, it is trite, and overused, BUT…. LOVE IS THE ANSWER TO ALL.

Think of this for a moment.

Whenever you feel down because somebody has hurt you, the way out is to give love back.

If you received envy and aggression, yup, you’ve got it, the way to heal YOUR wound is by sending love back.

When your heart has been broken, the way to mend your heart is loving the one who hurt you…

When someone, anyone, has done something that has left you feeling down and broken, the answer is…. Love. You’ve got this.

There is a caveat however and I am going to share this key aspect with you.

I learned from Boddhisatva Fukyo who lived more than 800 years ago a fundamental aspect of answering with love. Around the 1200ths when Buddhism was in a downfall period, people would be aggressive towards those following the Buddhist path to enlightenment. Whenever someone would speak ill of Fukyo, curse him or throw stones at him, he would move to the side to avoid the stones while leaning towards the aggressor, and hands in prayer he would say “I have profound reverence for you, I would never dare treat you with disparagement or arrogance, because I can see the Buddha within you.”

Isn’t this a beautiful anecdote? This story tugs at my heart because it explains very clearly that learning that love is the answer doesn’t mean to “turn the other cheek”. This is not about submission or loving when what you desire is to respond back with similar energies such as hate, revenge, spite or other responses.

Responding with love means protecting oneself from the aggression and the aggressor (as in moving to the side to avoid the stones) BUT understanding that we are all ONE, that we are all a vessel of Source energy. It is about healing ourselves and learning that loving back is the only way to freedom.

I love a good conversation and this subject might create strong opinions in you which I’d love to hear about. Please write to me any time. CLICK HERE to write to me!

Lots of love and light,


Valerie Bottazzi

Love Coach & Healer


“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.” [Robert Fulghum]