6 Powerful LOVE Affirmations

6 Powerful LOVE Affirmations

I am a firm believer in the power of mindset work, mindfulness, affirmations, and mantras to support our manifestation and transformation. Rewiring our brains to transform our beliefs is one of the many ways in which we influence our co-creation. Prior to going to the...
I love my life

I love my life

“I love my life. I love who I have become.” These are the two first sentences in my journal this morning. As I was writing them I realized I wanted…no cancel that! I NEEDED to share this with you. I couldn’t have written this a couple of years ago. I...
What is a soulmate?

What is a soulmate?

What is a soulmate? I am sure you’ve heard many say they’d like to find their soulmate, but do we know what a soulmate really is? And how does it differ from our twin flame? A soul mate is a person for which your soul is attracted to their spiritual...
5 Steps to Fire Up your relationship

5 Steps to Fire Up your relationship

  I hear many of my clients share with me their deep suffering because they love a partner so completely that they give and have given them their all…without getting what they need and desire in return. Yes, they suffer because their partner doesn’t...