Purpose Activation Session
Decide right here, right now…
That today is the beginning of the rest of your life.
Purpose “Activation” sessions are a very powerful way to gain clarity about what you are meant to be doing in your life and career to heal what’s holding you back so you can activate and claim your unique spiritual gifts, manage your energy and trust your divine guidance.
You will walk away knowing what is the number one step you can take as a woman on a spiritual path to fully embody your life’s sacred purpose with joy and love and know the next steps in your life and career. You will receive an activation on your abilities and your power to succeed.
♥ Understand what is keeping you from having more meaning & joy in your life
♥ Gain clarity on how to go from where you are to living the life you dream of
♥ Receive an activation blessing so you can start living your sacred purpose now!
♥ Know if we are a good match & learn how I can support you best!
Steps to book your Purpose Activation Session:
1- You will be directed first to pay for the session. Money is an energy exchange and a way for you to commit to showing up for yourself fully and for this session.
2- On the confirmation page you will be given a link that will direct you to our calendar (don’t worry, you will also receive an email with this link!)
3- Once you find a time that is suitable for you, you will be asked a series of questions to help us learn more about you and make our time together so much valuable.