WSW Preparation

You will be supported by establishing your foundation by preparing both energetically and practically to receive the transmissions of this course.

Shakti hold’s the frequency for this course as an initiation of sorts into your mastery of interacting with the flow of energy in a conscious manner.

The invitation is for you to follow the steps indicated below under the title Your Tasks.



1. Write down  your intentions in your journal.

2. Set a sacred space with a candle and a few objects that you hold dear to your heart to support your journey. You may write your intentions in a beautiful card and place them under the candle.

3. Take time to take stock on the wisdom with which you join this container in the no-time-no-space continuum, in the now moment wherever and whenever you are and write down questions you are arriving with.


Shakti Bottazzi Spiritual Teacher & Shamanic Coach
Your Energy Field Explained by Shakti Bottazzi