School of Wisdom Application


I am excited you that are considering stepping into a magical and powerful journey to get clear and claim your life mission!

As you book this session, I invite you to be guided by the intention of stepping into your highest YES.

Steps to book your Clarity Activation Session:


1 – Fill out your information in the form below and upon submission you will be redirected to our calendar.

2 – Once you find a time that is suitable for you, you will be asked a series of questions to help us learn more about you and make our time together so much valuable.

The process of filling the self-inquiry form helps both you and us to understand if you are a match for The Awaken Path School of Wisdom.

Please take the time to tell us what you envision for yourself as you embark in this radically transforming and empowering journey.

No matter what the outcome, we want you to walk away from the call feeling more empowered and with clear next steps.

Your application session will help to provide you with:

♥ Clarity about your vision for what comes next in your purposeful life

♥ What the process of becoming aligned and embodied in your sacred mission looks like

♥ An understanding on how the School of Wisdom can support and enrich your journey

♥ Personal guidance and intimate connection time with our team

Please enter your Name, Email & Phone #
I am looking forward to our call!


I look forward to getting to know you and further discuss your participation in this wonderful journey together.
With love in service,


I know and love Shakti as we met many moons ago in a previous corporate life.  I was inspired to join last year’s online retreat. The experience I had was so powerful it was a clear YES to taking a new path. I used to say I am a senior corporate executive to describe myself. Now through the School Of Wisdom I am finding myself and finally asking what do I actually want from my life. This is huge for me to say let alone be experiencing and realizing. I would wholeheartedly recommend Val, Juli and her team at the School of Wisdom to help light your way and hold you in safe space as you work up the courage to find your purpose and step into your power. I have cried, laughed, danced and sung with my sisters and never felt such love in our open, vulnerable and powerful circle.

Teresa Thompson

I would highly recommend Shakti and the School of Wisdom as, not only did they help heal my past traumas and shadows, they helped me realize my true soul’s purpose and that I could achieve my true destiny as a powerful healer myself! I have come so far. I have opened up to the most magical spiritual gifts I could only ever have dreamed off! The magic is real within the School Of Wisdom, I feel I am living proof of that 🤍

Laura Hendren